Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Ruminations of a Cigar Smoker Part 1

People buy expensive, nice looking, highly coveted cigars all the time. They usually save them for a special occasion/event. My thoughts...smoke them if you got 'em.

I remember my dad receiving a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue (the $200 a bottle stuff) as a gift. Instead of saving it for a special occasion he drank it in exactly the same manner as any other bottle of scotch or alcohol that he's ever bought or been given. He even shared it with my brother and I. My brother asked him, "Why not save it for a special occasion?" My dad replied, "I don't know whether or not I'll be hit by a bus while crossing the street tomorrow or slip on a bar of soap in the shower. That's why." (He's mentioned this before and since, leading me to believe he's probably had near death experiences with both a bus and a bar of soap.)

The message: enjoy each day like any other, because you never know what will happen tomorrow.

If you have good and expensive cigars don't let them just sit around looking pretty. Smoke them! Hell, even if you've got some cheapies around and are waiting to smoke them just nix that plan. Smoke them and enjoy them. Cigars are meant to be smoked, not sit around and look pretty. I think that this practice of saving valuable items for a special occasion is symptomatic of our bourgeois and proletariat backgrounds and upbringing of keeping valuable items because we don't know the next time we'll get our hands on them. I believe that we should instead treat these items as any other expendable items and use them. Have fun, treat yourself, because you don't know what tomorrow brings.

I also find that saving smokes for a special occasion builds up our expectations to a high degree, leaving us disappointed or upset when they don't reach this lofty bar. Instead, smoke them on a random day, any day, and you maybe pleasantly surprised. Collecting is truly a passion, but sometimes people focus too much on this aspect and not enough on the experience itself.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!!!

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